Number | Title (method/size) | Location | Photo | Sold |
1 | Mirabell Palace ミラベル宮殿 (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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2 | Poem of Towers 塔たちの詩 (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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3 | Landscape with a Fortress 城塞のある風景 (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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4 | Hotel with Cafeterrasse カフェテラスのあるホテル (oil/F10) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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5 | Hotel with Cafeterrasse カフェテラスのあるホテル (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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6 | Maison Rose メゾンロゼ (water/F2) | Paris (France) |
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7 | Aya Sophis アヤソフィア (water/F2) | Istanbul (Turkey) |  | S |
8 | Aya Sophis アヤソフィア (oil/F8) | Istanbul (Turkey) |
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9 | Palace of Vienna ウィーンの宮殿 (water/F2) | Vienna (Austria) |
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10 | Bird's Eye View of Salzburg ザルツブルク鳥瞰 (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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11 | Swallow Nest 燕の巣城 (water/F2) | Crimea (Ukraine) |
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12 | Caspian Sea View カスピ海を望む (water/F2) | Baku (Azerbaijan) |
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13 | Landscape with Fortress 城塞のある風景 (oil/F3) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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14 | Landscape with Fortress 城塞のある風景 (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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15 | Far View Nijmegen ナイメーヘン遠望 (water/F2) | Nimegen (Holland) |
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16 | Bird's Eye View of Budapest ブダペスト鳥瞰(漁夫の砦より) (water/F2) | Budapest (Hungary) |
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17 | Lanscape with Palace 王宮のある風景 (water/F2) | Budapest (Hungary) |
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18 | Chain Bridge and Pest Town くさり橋とペスト地区 (water/F2) | Budapest (Hungary) |
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19 | Landscape with Fortress from Universitaet 城塞のある風景(大学より) (F8) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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20 | Mosque on the Hill 高台のモスク (water/F2) | Baku (Azerbaijan) |
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21 | Beer Restaurant ビアレストラン (water/F2) | Nijmegen (Holand) |
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22 | Beer Restaurant ビアレストラン (oil/F4) | Nijmegen (Holand) |
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23 | Landscape with Fortress from the Salzsach 城塞のある風景(ザルツ川より) (water/F2) | Salzburg (Austria) |
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24 | Landscape with Windmill 風車のある風景 (water/postcard) | Leiden (Holland) |
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25 | Landscape with Suleymaniye Mosque モスクのある風景 (water/F2) | Istanbul (Turkey) |
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26 | Gamla Stan ガムラスタン (water/F2) | Stockholm (Sweden) |
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27 | Palacio Real 王宮のある風景 (oil/F4) | Madrid (Spain) |
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28 | Palacio Real 王宮のある風景 (water/SM) | Madrid (Spain) |
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29 | Arc de Triomphe パリ風景(凱旋門) (water/SM) | Paris (France) |
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30 | Landscape with Fortress 城塞のある風景 (oil/F8) | Salzburg (Austria) |
作品ご希望の方は、佐藤勝昭までにお問い合わせ下さい。 | S:sold |