International Conference on Luminescence
Osaka, Japan, August 23-27, 1999
  1. T.Nishi, Y. Kimura and K. Sato: Photoluminescence Spectra of Rare Earth-Doped CuAlS2 Single Crystals

1999.9.1-4 甲南大学
  1. 石橋隆幸、佐藤和茂、佐藤勝昭:Co/BiSrCaCuO接合におけるスピン注入
  2. 田口克行、西敬生、石橋隆幸、佐藤勝昭:硫化法による太陽電池のためのpyrite(FeS2)薄膜の作製

11th Intervnational Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference
Sapporo, Japan, September 20-24, 1999
  1. P-I-77: T. Nishi, Y. Katsuamata, K. Sato and H. Miyake: ESR and PL Characterization of CuGaSe2 Single Crystals
  2. P-I-74: T.M. Razykov, K. Sato, T. Shimizu, N.F. Khusainova, K.M. Kouchkarov and A.F. Trousin: X-ray Diffraction Analysis of CdTe Films with Different Compositions Fabricated by CMBD in Hydrogen Flow

1999.9.24-27 岩手大学
  1. 27aJ5 佐藤勝昭、石橋隆幸、佐藤和茂:Co/BiSrCaCuOトンネル接合におけるスピン注入効果
  2. 25 佐藤勝昭:(シンポジウム)微小領域を対象とする測定技術の開発

12th Internationa Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds
Hsin-chu, Taiwan, September 27-October 1, 1999
  1. [Summer School-Advanced Materials - Fabrication and Characterizations]
    K. Sato: Nanomagnetism - Materials Research for Next Generation
  2. We-B3-2: K.Sato, Y. Katsumata and T. Nishi: Electron Spin Resonance of Fe in CuGaSe2
  3. Th-B1-1: S.Iida, T. Matsumoto-Aoki, T. Morita, N. Mamedov, B.G. Tagiev, F.M. Gashimzade and K. Sato: Lasing Possibility in Rare-Earth Element Doped Thiogallate Compounds [Invited]
  4. P1-62: T. Nishi, N. Ishibashi, N. Hayashi, C. Furuhashi and K. Sato: Change in Optical Absorption by Metal Contacts in Al-CuAlS2-Au Diode
  5. P1-63: T. Nishi, Y. Katsuamata and K. Sato: Characterization by PL and ESR in Mo-doped CuAlS2 Single Crystals

1999.10.5-8 北九州
  1. 早田幸嗣、長谷川陽一、岩田展幸、森下忠隆、近桂一郎、佐藤勝昭: エピタキシャルEuO薄膜の磁気光学スペクトルの温度変化
  2. 児玉彰弘、宮本大成、高梨弘毅、三谷誠司、藤森啓安、佐藤勝昭: 非線形磁気光学効果による[Fe(xML)/Au(xML)]N人工格子(x:非整数<4)界面の評価

44th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
San Jose, California, November 15-18, 1999
  1. GF07:K.Sato, A.Kodama, T, Miyamoto, K. Takanashi, H. Fujimori and Th. Rasing: Nonlinear Magneto-Optical Effect in Fe/Au Superlattices modulated by Non-Integer Atomic Layers